Email hosting
Email hosting plays an important role in business, let's make it work properly.
Having a website is not enough. Your website should be always updated, fast and secure.
Web hosting
In order to ensure the most efficient and reliable website functionality, Elite design studio offers website and email hosting to its clients on its own dedicated server system.
The website hosting is your own personal space on the internet where you can store your website and emails, upload your videos and add your content.
Hosting is of essential importance for every web site, as without it your website wouldn’t be visible.
We use the fastest SSD servers available with almost 0% downtime.
Choosing a domain name is an important marketing segment for your website because it represents your brand or your company online. We recommend choosing a short domain with relevant keywords so that visitors could easily access your website and memorize your domain. While your domain name can contain letters, numbers or hyphens, you'll want to avoid any special characters so to make it easy to remember and quick to type in a web browser. Consult us to find best solution for your business.
Email hosting
Nowadays, building trust and brand awareness is extremely important, however this is not an easy thing to achieve. It is much simpler though with domain-based email hosting! Every letter that you send will show your domain name to potential customers which will encourage them to check your website.
Surveys also show that users are more likely to choose those companies having professional email addresses!
Email hosting is a unique solution focused primarily on email servers. This service works independently of the website hosting, hence your business will continue to operate at a full scale.
Website maintenance is the process of regularly checking your website for any issues and errors and updating it on a regular basis. This should be done continuously in order to keep your website healthy, to encourage uninterrupted traffic growth, and strengthen your SEO and Google rankings.
Keeping your website well maintained and an attractive space on the internet is very important for both big and small companies since it helps them engage and retain customers. Businesses, especially start-ups, can easily turn the corners and let go of several tasks. Website maintenance can quickly become one of these things as it doesn’t always raise immediate issues. However, just like your health can decline if you go too long without a regular check-up, so can the health of your website.
Regular monitoring of your website is a must for keeping your business running smoothly.